Digital tools for advising are a critical part of FRNYC, enabling...
  • Students + families to create a post-graduation plan, including:
    • Completing career interest assessments
    • Exploring careers and college options
    • Developing and refining postsecondary plans
  • Advisors to deliver targeted support to students as they progress towards graduating with a strong plan
  • Schools to track progress against student college and career milestones

Central will subsidize the cost of student licenses, training, and technical supports for FRNYC schools to implement one of three digital tools for advising: Overgrad, SCOIR, and Xello (each school will choose one tool). These tools will enable students to perform key FRNYC tasks while also providing schools visibility into student progress and streamlining data collection for STARS. Schools that are currently using an approved digital tool for advising will not be required to switch platforms at this time.

Your school will receive a brief overview on using digital tools during the FRNYC Summer Institute, and should make a decision on which tool you would like to use shortly thereafter. After the FRNYC Summer Institute, your school will receive an in-depth training session from your chosen vendor, and you should conduct info sessions to onboard your staff and your students onto the platform.

Summary of milestones for digital tools:

  • Schools will receive a digital tools overview ahead of the FRNYC Summer Institute, outlining potential vendors they can use and the selection process
  • Schools will attend a digital tools introductory session during the FRNYC Summer Institute where they will receive more information on the objective of digital tools, learn about vendor options, and be able to ask questions
  • Schools will need to make a decision by August 15th on which digital tool vendor they will use during the upcoming school year
    • Schools will be able to attend Office Hours / demos in case there are any questions regarding which vendor they select
  • If using a new tool (or looking for more training), schools will attend a digital tools training with the chosen vendor between mid-August and mid-September
  • Once the school year begins, schools should hold information sessions with staff and students to explain how to use digital advising tools

Reminder: Find the action items related to Digital Tools within the full FRNYC Planning Checklist.