To ensure a successful implementation, schools must incorporate FRNYC programming into the master scheduling process and program FRNYC students appropriately.

When scheduling programming, there are a few general guidelines to follow:

  • It is strongly recommended to schedule FRNYC courses as "stand-alone" to ensure fidelity of implementation and make it easier to schedule students into FRNYC sequences
  • Day-long activities like the Career Discovery Week activity and paid on-site experiences should be scheduled in advance as time away from the classroom
  • Events for families / parents / caregivers (e.g., FRNYC orientation) should be organized in a way that maximizes accessibility (e.g., after the workday, with translations, with the option to attend virtually)

See below for more detailed guidance on scheduling activities related to each FRNYC component:

Career-Connected Instruction
    • Key Activities

    • Suggestions for Scheduling

    • Grades 9–12: Pathway-aligned courses
    • Stand-alone course
    • Grade 9: Career Exploration Coursework for ALL 9th graders (e.g., OSP’s Career Foundations)

      CRMYA schools – Grade 9: Career Exploration Coursework

    • Stand-alone course (required for CRMYA schools) or integrated into existing coursework
    • Accommodating apprenticeships with FRNYC CCI course requirements

    • Consult with CRMYA and FRNYC Office of Student Pathways leadership to ensure these students are able to maintain their apprenticeships and their FRNYC status

Early College Credits and Industry Credentials
    • Key Activities

    • Suggestions for Scheduling

    • Grade 9: CUNY or SUNY Explorers campus visit
    • Field trip during school day
    • Grade 10: First-year seminar / AP Seminar and optional workshop
    • During the school day, after school, or on the weekends
    • Grade 11: Two pathway-aligned, college credit-bearing courses
    • During the school day, after school, or on the weekends
    • Grade 12: Additional pathway-aligned, college credit-bearing courses OR CTE-approved credential (see pathway-specific guidance for pathway-approved credentials)
    • During the school day, after school, or on the weekends

Work-Based Learning
    • Key Activities

    • Suggestions for Scheduling

    • Grade 9: Career awareness activities (minimum experience)
    • Integrated into existing coursework or field trip during the school day
    • Grade 10: Career exploration activities (minimum experience), which may include Career Discovery Week
    • Integrated into existing coursework or field trip during school day
    • Grade 11: Create student profile on Career Pathway Portal

      Grade 11 or 12: Workplace challenge OR Paid internship with a pathway-aligned employer [CRMYA schools–11th and 12th] Apprenticeships if applicable

      CRMYA schools – Grade 11 and 12: Apprenticeships if applicable

      Apply to SYEP or Career Ready SYEP if school is a CRSYEP site

    • After school or over a longer break such as Winter recess and Summer

Personalized Pathway Advising
    • Key Milestones

    • Suggestions for scheduling

    • All grades: 1:1 College and Career Advising touchpoints
    • Schedule 1:1’s throughout the year (during the school day)
    • Grade 9: Orientation sessions for students
    • First week of school (assembly during the school day)
    • Grade 9: Orientation sessions for parents
    • First week of school (hybrid / virtual session in the evening)

Financial Literacy
  • 54 hours of financial literacy coursework delivered over the course of a student's high school experience.
  • Schools may choose from different scheduling / delivery models. See Financial Literacy section above for more details and requirements.