Definition of the FRNYC Sequence

Following the delivery of universal career exploration to all 9th graders in an FRNYC school, and once a student is identified as an FRNYC student by Spring semester of their 9th grade year, the FRNYC student should participate in the full FRNYC sequence before they complete high school*.

The full FRNYC sequence is defined as a two to four year FRNYC student experience that integrates

  1. Delivery of an NYCPS approved, four to eight course sequence of career connected instructional credit in a career pathway that the student chooses and is excited about

  2. Participation in relevant pathway-aligned early college courses/credentials (including dual-credit opportunities), leading to earning 7+ college credits**

  3. Development of a high-quality personalized college and careerplan through an iterative process of 1-on-1 sessions with a trained college and career advisor

  4. Participation in a sequence of high-quality work-based learning opportunities, including work-based learning challenges and/or a paid internship and/or apprenticeship

  5. Completion of at least 54 hours of approved financial literacy coursework during school hours over the course of 9th-12th grades (Hybrid schools doing FRNYC and CRMYA may use CRMYA’s Career Development Coursework )

*Identification timeline flexibility may be considered to serve all student populations, school mode (e.g. Transfer, D75, International school),l and specific occupational titles. 

**Dual enrollment via dual credit may be substituted for NYCPS approved four-eight course sequence with approval from the NYCPS team

Each FRNYC Student Will Experience the Following Five Transformational Programming Components

A graph of Future Ready NYC's five components

The following sections explain the five FRNYC core components within an FRNYC pathway sequence, covering each component’s purpose, definition, and the minimum experiences that FRNYC schools must provide to FRNYC students and which all FRNYC students must complete.

Please read the following sections carefully, as it contains important guidelines regarding the fidelity of programming FRNYC schools should offer students to ensure a high-quality educational experience within and across FRNYC’s five core components.