Approval and Spenddown

FRNYC allocations outline individual school allocations generated based on the school’s application and budget approved by the Office of Student Pathways during March-May 2024.

All scheduling and spending of the allocation must be aligned with the budgets approved. Schools and the Division of School Leadership (DSL) Budget Directors will receive a copy of these approved-budget plans to guide the scheduling of items in Galaxy and the use of the funds. 

All Budget modifications must be requested and approved by the FutureReadyNYC team within the Office of Student Pathways by sending an email to articulating proposed modification and rationale before changes can be made in Galaxy.FRNYC schools that do not follow allowable funds use may be subject to suspension or rescission of funds tied to implementation of this pilot

Record Keeping

Your school will need to follow a few steps to ensure it is keeping accurate records.

  • Schedule funds in Galaxy upon receipt
  • Match hiring posting to budget templates
  • Apply for per session postings for the summer
  • Create purchase orders with other than personnel (OTPS) funds
  • Continue to post per session postings for school year